Monday, August 9, 2010


Eckert's Farm in Belleville, IL is seriously an awesome place! 

I have such fond memories there as a child. We use to pick pumpkins, apples & loads of other yummy when I was little. My sister & I always looked forward to the tractor ride and bring picked up to get the highest fruit on the tree. :)

As well, my Hubs and I spent our first anniversary of dating at Eckert's. We went to the farm, picked peaches and then came home and made a lovely dessert. Peach Cake. It was sooo delicious. I have photos from the experience somewhere, but couldn't locate them in time for this post. BUMMER.

Well, today Hubs and I went on a repeat date of our first anniversary together dating ...

WHAT FUN! We even added blackberries to the mix this time around. Seriously the biggest juicy blackberries I have ever found in my life were picked there today. It made me think of time together in Washington State with David's sweet Grandfather on his land. He recently passed away, and we both really missed him as we walked through the bushes.

Last but not least we took our goodies home and Hubs made me the most delicious most wonderful healthy peach cobbler. 


Can't wait to see the cobble & of course get the recipe??


wink wink


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